About the Journal
JILSA (ISSN: 2614-7777 and e-ISSN: 2615-1952) is international peer-reviewed journal in Arabic language and literature. JILSA is founded in 2017 with the mission to publish original works of interest to the Arabic language and literature disciplines, new theoretical developments, results of studies that advance the understanding of linguistic and literature issues in Arabic, and also the development of Arabic culture. JILSA is published biannually (March and October) by Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, Indonesia. JILSA has been abstracted and indexed in these prominent services: Garuda, Google Scholar, SINTA (5), Moraref.
Before submitting, please ensure that your manuscript is in accordance with JILSA's focus and scope, written in Arabic, English and Indonesian and follows our Author Guidelines and article template.
Current Issue
Al-Ḥuzn fī Qaṣīdah Riṡā’ al-Andalus li Abī al-Baqā’ al-Randī: Dirāsah Naqdīyah Balāgīyah
DOI : 10.15642/jilsa.2023.7.2.132-151 , Abstract views: 204 , Downloads : 138 -
Uslūb al-Istifhām fī Sūrah Hūd wa Dilālātuhū al-Balāgīyah
DOI : 10.15642/jilsa.2023.7.2.152-168 , Abstract views: 83 , Downloads : 80 -
Al-Taḥlīl al-Taqābulī Bayna al-Tahakkum fī al-Lugah al-Arabīyah wa Antifrasis fī al-Lugah al-Indūnīsīyah
DOI : 10.15642/jilsa.2023.7.2.169-178 , Abstract views: 67 , Downloads : 46 -
Fi’l Ṣaḥīḥ dan Mu’tal dalam Surah Al-Mursalāt: Kajian Morfologis Al-Qur’an
DOI : 10.15642/jilsa.2023.7.2.179-187 , Abstract views: 207 , Downloads : 112 -
Sifat Allah dalam Novel “Al-Rajul Al-Lażī Āmana” Karya Najib Kailani: Kajian Semiotik Charles Sanders Pierce
DOI : 10.15642/jilsa.2023.7.2.188-205 , Abstract views: 178 , Downloads : 148 -
Historisitas Mazhab Nahwu di Andalusia dan Tokoh-Tokoh Pembaharu
DOI : 10.15642/jilsa.2023.7.2.206-214 , Abstract views: 218 , Downloads : 173